February 02, 2009

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

When he heard reports that it was set to snow in London this week, the news didn't exactly rock our socks – our previous experiences of 'snow' here have consisted of a bit of ice on windscreens in the morning. So we were shocked when we peered out the window last night to find inches of the stuff covering everything. Turns out, it's the largest snowfall in London in 18 years.

With the capital brought to a standstill, a 'snow day' was called at both our works (I thought snow days only existed for school children who eagerly sat around radios on American sitcoms).

Even though we had only just returned from a week on the slopes in France (blog post coming soon, promise), we couldn't help but get among the soft white stuff for a good old-fashioned frolic!